Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The DISLOYAL Opposition

Look, I'm not a fan of President Obama. He's much too right-wing for my taste. How the Republicans and their Tea-Party "handlers" can't see that he is to the RIGHT of The Sainted Ronnie Raygun is beyond me.

Obviously, they want him out of office. Also obviously, they are willing to plunge the entire USA into an economic tail-spin to get this done. They don't give a damn what happens to OUR country. It's not THEIRS --- it's OURS!!

I, for one, think every Republican that would let us default, thus going against the very Constitution they claim to worship, should be tried for treason -- and (of course) executed.

Seriously, I really think these folks HATE the REAL USA, worshiping some figment of their imagination, something that never existed outside the movies and The Andy Griffith Show.

Arrest and prosecute.

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