Thursday, July 14, 2011

The "Good News" never ends!

I made the mistake of reading "Some Assembly Required" today -- now I want to go back to bed, and stay there until some of the pain goes away.

Gosh, all you youngsters out there (45 or younger) are going to go through some VERY "interesting times".

If homo sapiens survives the ongoing extinction crisis, I wonder what kind of world y'all will live in?

Well, whatever it is -- good luck.

(please follow link to original)

Words in a Certain Order: Greece's default is now accepted as inevitable, and the banksters are scrambling to find a way to structure a default so that it isn't legally a “credit event or selective default”. Instead the "intention [is] to make Greek debt more sustainable," with interest rates lowered, maturities extended and the "flexibility and scope" of the eurozone bailout fund "enhanced". The big problem is Germany, which says there is no hurry to address the problem. Ireland's debt has been lowered to 'junk' status – and their problem had been 'solved' by the same set of financial wizards. Italy is going to solve its problems with more severe austerity plans – the kind that have worked so well in Greece, Ireland and Portugal and are the Republicans' favorite tonic for the USA.

Long Knives: Two lead Florida AG investigators assigned to the Economic Crimes Section have been forced to resign because they were investigating the economic crimes of foreclosure mills.

What Goes Around...Early in the 20th Century GM went around the country buying up and dismantling public transit companies – mostly trams. Now it wants to help out cities that don't have decent public transit by electrifying buses.

No Rest: US hedge funds are placing big bets on the collapse of Italy. Nice to see the vultures will be well fed.

Just Doing It: A breathless report informs us that Nike, Adidas, Puma and everyone else making stuff in China is dumping toxic chemicals into China's rivers. Just like here, when they can get away with it.

Parts Is Parts: The National Association of Realtors has acknowledged the need for some revisions to their sales numbers. For example, in Illinois the NRA exaggerated the median price of of a condo in Chicago by claiming prices increased 10% when they had actually fallen 23%. They've been “overestimating” existing home sales volumes, too. Wait for the revised edition.

Sick: Every politician who plans on saving “the government” money by cutting Medicaid and Medicare should have to work a week in the emergency room of public hospitals or free clinics, and tour the shut in and elderly sick who depend on Meals on Wheels before they congratulate themselves on their virtue.

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