Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Origins Of "Obamacare"

If anyone wonders what "Socialist-Communist-Muslim-Nazi-Think-Tank" the hated(?) "Obamacare" came from -- Prof. Paul Krugman explains all.

Here's a hint+ Look no further than "The Heritage Foundation", that conservative "Think Tank".

Please follow link to original

Conservative Origins of Obamacare

Here’s a useful resource for tracking the history of the ideas embodied in the Affordable Care Act.

The essence of Obamacare, as of Romneycare, is a three-legged stool of regulation and subsidies: community rating requiring insurers to make the same policies available to everyone regardless of health status; an individual mandate, requiring everyone to purchase insurance, so that healthy people don’t opt out; and subsidies to keep insurance affordable for those with lower incomes.

The original Heritage plan from 1989 had all these features.

These days, Heritage strives mightily to deny the obvious; it picks at essentially minor differences between what it used to advocate and the plan Democrats actually passed, and tries to make them seem like a big deal. But this is disinformation. The essential features of the ACA — above all, the mandate — are ideas Republicans used to support.

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