Sunday, July 31, 2011

No More "news" Today

I'm signing off any more "news" today. I'm afraid my tears might just destroy my keyboard -- if my RAGE doesn't.

How "our" government can work so hard to DESTROY what is a totally inadequate "safety net" is beyond me. Especially without any real outcry by those of us affected.

We are back to being a country of rich and poor -- with little in-between. Those that are still somewhere in the middle will be those that do the bidding of our ruling class.

I wonder when the pressure of a possible uprising will convince, once again, the wealthy to give a little.

Unfortunately, the entire nation might be too far gone by then.

Now, I wonder what the "new improved" propaganda machine will be doing to keep us immersed in the fiction of "opportunity", of "upward mobility". Soon, our current "celebrity culture" won't be enough, nor will the rapidly excessive culture of "sport".

It's going to be interesting. Once again, I'm really happy I lived through much of "The Flowering of America" -- the decline will be brutal.

(musical selections will follow for the rest of the day)

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