Friday, July 29, 2011


I sit here at the interwebs machine absolutely AMAZED at the STUPIDITY of our "conservative"/"Tea Party"/"Republican" Representatives. The idea that we put the Government into default and some good will come from that simply boggles the mind.

I wondered why this is happening.

Then it hit me ---- THEY ARE STUPID. They are either too dumb to understand a COUNTRY is NOT run like a "family", or they are the VICTIMS of "home schooling".

Perhaps they are a result of the runaway "self esteem" crap infesting the USA. No one ever told them "self esteem" is tied in with actual ACCOMPLISHMENTS.

I guess the ideology that infests the brains (?) of these "Tea Party" folks is one that refuses to accept the simple fact the USA is still the one "superpower". For how long, we don't know - but today it still is. Their ideology wants to take us BACK to a time that never existed. A time that is long gone. A time when we were (in reality) a second rate nation.

They actually want to destroy AMERICA, both its promise and its reality.

Why we the CITIZENS put up with this crap is beyond me.

Are there ANY ADULTS left?

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