Monday, July 18, 2011

Teen Age Boy

We went food shopping early today -- before the heat becomes truly unbearable.

On the way home we saw a very cute young man dressed in baggy shorts that barely covered his ass. No shirt, flip-flops, and a mop of VERY blonde hair.

Now, if such a young man were to inflame the lust of a gay man or a straight woman both the man and the woman would be considered "perverts".

However, if it had been a young woman, the exact same age, dressed in a bikini top and short shorts, if SHE had been assaulted -- the defense would have been, "she was ASKING for IT". In either case it would have been a crime. In either case it would have been wrong.

In the case of the boy, the perp would have been blamed. In the case of the girl both the girl AND her parents would have been blamed -- UNLESS, the bad guy was either black or brown and the girl white.

In our current system WHITE MEN still "rule" -- unless they're gay, then they're not "real men" anyway.

We are an INSANE AND SICK society -- and our "leaders" lead both the insanity and the sickness.

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