Monday, July 18, 2011

"Sensible Liberals"

If you wander the "good old interwebs" you will come upon various and sundry "liberal" sites. Most decry the current state of the Good Old USA (trademark applied for).

Many even subscribe to the idea that our Right-Wing-Religious-Right-Extreme-"Conservatives" would round us up in cattle cars and ship us off to somewhere or other - if they could.

Reading various Really-Right-Wing sites confirms it.

Now, if you go on line and even suggest these "liberals" go out and purchase a LEGAL firearm and learn how to use it, they call you all sorts of names. Then they speak of Gandhi, MLK, etc.

When you speak of THE Holocaust, they tend to yell "Godwins Law" and shut you up -- as if calling a Nazi a Nazi is, somehow, "wrong".

To depend on THE Police when THEY are the Agents of State Supported Oppression, Repression, and Suppression (TM applied for) shows a total alck of intelligence (just my opinion, mind you).

Then some folks wonder what happened to The Left in The Good Old USA -- it's GONE!

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