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Sunday, March 28, 2010
Meet The Press - March 28, 2010
Chuck Schumer: (D-NY)
Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
Bob Shrum
Jon Meachem
Doris Goodwin
Mike Murphy
Gregory: Chuck AT&T proved this week that
I was right all along - people are going to lose
their insurance!
Schumer: No that’s a lie - just like death panels
and killing grandma
Gregory: Lindsey how do answer the charge
that Republicans were right?
Graham: that’s a good tough question Gregory - Democrats are eliminating Medicare, student loans, and AT&T will have stop delivering the great customer service they are known for - it’s Armeygeddon!
Gregory: so will you repeal the law?
Graham: yes we will force the Democrats to
double funding for Medicare
Schumer: ha - oh noes!
Graham: states will have empty referendums
on this bill!
Gregory: Chuck this bill costs $93 billion a year!
Schumer: that’s not very much Fluffy
Gregory: how do you answer the charge that this bill cuts the deficit but doesn’t cut it enough
Schumer: if we did nothing it would be
worse bubblehead
Gregory: the CBO, the Concord Coalition and
Count von Count from Sesame Street all say this will cut the debt - but how can that possibly be true when you cover millions of people?
Schumer: I heard you were a moron
Graham: I heard that too!
Schumer: from me
Schumer: Look Dancin’ Dave in the long run this
will cut a trillion dollars from the debt
Gregory: Chuck the middle class Americans are terrified that you will take away their health care and give it to an undeserving poor brown person
Schumer: well they’ve been fed a bunch of
bullshit for a year
Gregory: I have no idea how that could that happen in our intrepid media environment
Graham: this is a giant Ponzi scheme - this will
cut doctors!
Schumer: Good - there are a lot of crappy doctors out there x-raying people for money
Gregory: interesting
Schumer: we will discipline Doctors!
Graham: No Republican voted for this because
the CBO is full of liars!
Gregory: that’s a recent development I take it
Graham: you pay for health care with insurance payments - it’s a house of cards!
Gregory: fascinating
Graham: he’s an out-of-control leftist - he’s helped General Motors, fixed student loans and given people insurance - the GOP will not lets this
Marxist abomination stand!
Gregory: doesn’t calling Obama a Totalitarian lead to people cutting gas lines to Congressmen’s house?
Graham: well some people think it’s justified when he governs from the left ditch but you shouldn’t use the n-word
Gregory: Chuck have opponents gone
too far?
Schumer: ‘Have they’? What are you fucking nuts?? Yes Fluffy with attempted murder they have gone
too far
Graham: Democrats have poisoned the well by giving people health insurance without admitting Obama is a Kenyan Witch Doctor
Schumer: I disagree - we can have bipartisanship
on admitting only the right and good people into this country
Gregory: how do I know it’s a good idea?
Schumer: Lou Dobbs and Bill O’Reilly support it
Gregory: wow!
Graham: Recess appointments are a tool of the devil
Schumer: blow me
Graham: ok Chuck
[ break ]
Gregory: health care is a big fucking deal!
Shrum: Teddy knew it would happen
Gregory: Do we put Obama Mt. Rushmore now?
Meacham: this changes the narrative that we
talk about
Gregory: oh I see
Meacham: it also proves pundits are largely stupid
Gregory: so sad
Meacham: it’s also possible cutting gas lines and attempted murder is an overreaction to giving people health insurance
Murphy: this bill couldn’t pass a hypothetical non-existent GOP Congress
Gregory: wow
Gregory: years ago people attacked Social Security with epithets
Goodwin: a win like this emboldens a President
and a party
Gregory: but people hate this bill
Goodwin: you have to win public sentiment
Gregory: what can we learn from Obama’s failures?
Shrum: he made a lot of mistakes - but you know maybe the guy isn’t so dumb after all
Murphy: this is was a total failure of leadership - just like on Star Trek - you can’t get ahead of public opinion - you have to lead
Gregory: I want the drugs you’re on
Gregory: there’s the substance and the perception
Goodwin: we know what you care about Fluffy
Meachem: it’s terrible when John Lewis can’t walk across Capitol Hill without being spit on
Gregory: maybe the tea baggers just have bad allergies
Meachem: the tea baggers have the passion but the Progressives got this bill enacted
Goodwin: white people are terrified that black people are getting something
Gregory: the Democrats are doomed by antagonizing uneducated racists
Shrum: for god’s sake this is Mitt Romney’s bill
Murphy: no no it isn’t
Gregory: I feel something is being taken away
from me
Murphy: people hate labor but we need an agenda beyond ‘look - a black man in the white house!’
Gregory: has the Tea Party taken over the GOP?
Meacham: As Churchill once said, “What the fuck
is it with those whackjobs?”
Gregory: interesting
Meach: As Madison once said, “If men were angels, they would fly around in robes and get shot from helicopters by Sarah Palin”
Goodwin: People is mad!
Gregory: true
Goodwin: as LBJ once said, “Doris, do I look
good naked?”
Murphy: Everyone hates Obama except for Democrats, liberals, progressives, urban voters, the East coast, African-Americans, Hispanics, gays, the educated, young, students, 32 million uninsured-
Gregory: ok ok that’s all time we have
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