Monday, March 22, 2010

Health Care Reform Passes

Yep, we are finally almost, perhaps, maybe, joining the rest of the industrialized world. We have finally done "something" to help uninsured folks get health insurance (maybe).

We are doing it in the least efficient (or, most inefficient - after all, "We're No.1", way possible.

Not only that, but we insist on having some drone pass judgment on our Doctor's recommendation. Yep, some high school dropout will tell my specialist if his decision is "sound". We have made the middle man permanent. Now, the only one who makes money on medical treatment is the insurance company.

In other words, it will take YEARS to fix this mess --- and it's still better than what many folks have now.

I have medicare -- a single payer system. so far it works real good. Our gubbement does real good, you betcha!

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